Based on the book, Life of Pi, by Yann Martel, the 2012 film faithfully retains the premise of a boy, Pi Patel, who is trapped on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger called Richard Parker after the ship transporting the Patel family and their troupe of zoological animals to Canada is sunk. Making the most of the current capability of CG effects, the tiger and other animals (hybrids between real footage and digital reconstruction) seamlessly integrate with the human actors and carefully crafted landscapes. The use of 3D was deemed good enough to warrant praise from fervently anti-3D critics Roger Ebert and Mark Kermode . Director Ang Lee has been enthusiastic about using stereoscopic technology and his film provides a clear case for using 3D techniques for a spectacular form of visual storytelling.
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The list includes 3D movies (or 3D short films) that have been screened theatrically - or at least to a reasonably large audience. A thumbnail of the poster or an image from the movie is included where available. The list only includes those 3D movies that were shot on film or at 2K resolution or above. The list is big - you might be surprised. This list also identifies those 3D movies that are available on the Blu-ray 3D disc format as well as other legacy 3D formats (e.g. anaglyph and field-sequential on Blu-ray, DVD and VHS).
Sensio 3D on DVD - stereoscopic video is encoded on the DVD in ystal shutter (LCS) 3D glasses on a standard CRT television (e.g. Ultimate 3-D Collection, or other systems). NB: Not suitable for direct use with the new HDMI 1.4 3DTVs and 3D Blu-ray players. : Field-sequential 3D on VHD format. The VHD format was released by JVC in the mid 80's but is no longer available. Several 3D VHD disks were released and were viewed using liquid crystal shutter (LCS) 3D glasses. All 3D VHD titles were field-sequential NTSC. NB: Not suitable for direct use with the new HDMI 1.4 3DTVs and 3D Blu-ray players. : Red-Cyan Anaglyphic 3D on Hi-Def DVD (Blu-ray Disc or HD-DVD) - viewed using anaglyph 3D glasses. NB: Not suitable for direct use with the new HDMI 1.4 3DTVs and 3D Blu-ray players. : Red-Cyan Anaglyphic 3D on DVD - viewed using anaglyph 3D glasses. NB: Not suitable for direct use with the new HDMI 1.4 3DTVs and 3D Blu-ray players. : Red-Cyan Anaglyphic 3D on VHS tape - viewed using anaglyph 3D glasses. NB: Not suitable for direct use with the new HDMI 1.4 3DTVs and 3D Blu-ray players. : Green-Magenta Anaglyphic 3D on Blu-ray disc or DVD - viewed using Green-Magenta anaglyph 3D glasses (aka Trioscopics 3D). NOTE: Red/Cyan Anaglyph glasses cannot be used to view green-magenta 3D encoded movies (and vice versa). NB: Not suitable for direct use with the new HDMI 1.4 3DTVs and 3D Blu-ray players. : Yellow-Blue Anaglyphic 3D on Blu-ray disc or DVD - viewed using Yellow-Blue anaglyph 3D glasses (aka Colorcode 3D). NOTE: Red/Cyan Anaglyph glasses cannot be used to view yellow-blue 3D encoded movies (and vice versa). NB: Not suitable for direct use with the new HDMI 1.4 3DTVs and 3D Blu-ray players. : 2D Hi-Def DVD - The movie is available on High-Definition DVD (Blu-Ray or HD-DVD) but unfortunately only in 2D format. : 2D DVD - The movie is available on DVD but unfortunately only in 2D format. : 2D VHS - The movie is available on VHS but unfortunately only in 2D format. These icons are used in the "exists... but not commercially available column" to indicate that the movie has been converted to video but is not sold commercially. Some titles were broadcast on TV, some were originally released on VHD format, some were sold by 3DTV corporation, some are now appearing on auction sites on DVD (the latter probably being bootlegs). I have not indicated the format (DVD or VHS) since VHS can easily be convert to DVD, and vice versa. Please note that the Blu-ray 3D will offer the best 3D quality (if available), followed by Field-sequential 3D Video, which are both usually significantly better than Anaglyphic 3D.Another two classes of 3D videos are available on the market - these are:(a) "Pulfrich 3D" - viewed with glasses with one dark eye and the other eye clear. This method relies on continuous dolly image motion to create a good 3D effect. see list here(b) "2D to 3D converted DVD titles" - these also generally rely on image motion in the scene to reconstruct some 3D effect but are rarely as good as 3D movies actually shot with a 3D camera. see list hereThis list has been compiled from a wide range of sources, including the references listed above. FAQs:
The rapid cycling synchrotron (RCS) in the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) was originally designed to accelerate two high intensity bunches, while some of neutron experiments in the materials and life science experimental facility and a muon experiment using main ring beams require a single bunch operation mode, in which one of the two rf buckets is filled and the other is empty. The beam intensity in the single bunch operation has been limited by longitudinal beam losses due to the rf bucket distortions by the wake voltage of the odd harmonics (h =1 ,3 ,5 ) in the wide band magnetic alloy cavities. We installed an additional rf feedforward system to compensate the wake voltages of the odd harmonics (h =1 ,3 ,5 ). The additional system has a similar structure as the existing feedforward system for the even harmonics (h =2 ,4 ,6 ). We describe the function of the feedforward system for the odd harmonics, the commissioning methodology, and the commissioning results. The longitudinal beam losses during the single bunch acceleration disappeared with feedforward for the odd harmonics. We also confirmed that the beam quality in the single bunch acceleration are similar to that of the normal operation with two bunches. Thus, high intensity single bunch acceleration at the intensity of 2.3 1013 protons per bunch has been achieved in the J-PARC RCS. This article is a follow-up of our previous article, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 14, 051004 (2011). The feedforward system extension for single bunch operation was successful.
Epidemiological studies have described the life cycle of B. cinerea in vineyards. However, there is a lack of information on the several infection pathways and the quantitative relationships between secondary inoculum and bunch rot at harvest. Over two seasons, different spray programmes were used to determine key phenological stages for bunch rot development. Secondary inoculum sources within the bunch were also studied. The relative importance of flowering was evidenced in the given conditions, as treatments that included two fungicide applications at flowering were the most effective. In 2010, under conducive meteorological conditions for B. cinerea development after veraison, an extra application provided significantly higher control. Infections of necrotic tissues inside the bunch and latent infections developed mainly during flowering, while very low quantities of B. cinerea conidia were recovered from the fruit surface at veraison. Regression analysis correlated the incidence of latent infections and B. cinerea incidence on calyptras and aborted fruits at veraison with incidence of Botrytis bunch rot at harvest, presenting R2 = 0.95 for the overall regression model. This work points out key phenological stages during the season for bunch rot and B. cinerea secondary inoculum development and relates quantitatively inoculum sources at veraison to bunch rot at harvest. Recommendations for field applications of antibotrytic products are also suggested. 2013 Society of Chemical Industry.
At many storage rings for synchrotron light production there is demand for serving both high-flux and timing users simultaneously. Today this is most commonly achieved by operating inhomogeneous fill patterns, but this is not preferable for rings that employ passive harmonic cavities to damp instabilities and increase Touschek lifetime. For these rings, inhomogeneous fill patterns could severely reduce the effect of the harmonic cavities. It is therefore of interest to develop methods to serve high-flux and timing users simultaneously without requiring gaps in the fill pattern. One such method is pseudo-single-bunch (PSB), where one bunch in the bunch train is kicked onto another orbit by a fast stripline kicker. The light emitted from the kicked bunch can then be separated by an aperture in the beamline. Due to recent developments in fast kicker design, PSB operation in multibunch mode is within reach for rings that operate with a 100 MHz RF system, such as the MAX IV and Solaris storage rings. This paper describes machine requirements and resulting performance for such a mode at the MAX IV 1.5 GeV storage ring. A solution for serving all beamlines is discussed as well as the consequences of beamline design and operation in the soft X-ray energy range.
Electron-Ion colliders such as the Medium energy Electron Ion Collider (MEIC) being developed by JLAB require high current electrons with low energy spread for electron cooling of the collider ring. Accelerator techniques for improving bunch charge, average current, emittance, and energy spread are required for Energy Recovery Linacs (ERLs) and Circulator Rings (CR) for next generation colliders for nuclear physics experiments. Example candidates include thermionic-cathode electron guns with RF accelerating structures. Thermionic cathodes are known to produce high currents and have excellent lifetime. The success of the IR and THz Free-Electron Laser (FEL) designed and installed by Advanced Energy Systemsmore at the Fritz Haber Institute (FHI) of the Max Planck Society in Berlin [1,2] demonstrates that gridded thermionic cathodes and rf systems be considered for next generation collider technology. In Phase 1 Advanced Energy Systems (AES) developed and analyzed a design concept using a superconducting cavity pair and gridded thermionic cathode. Analysis included Beam Dynamics and thermal analysis to show that a design of this type is feasible. The latest design goals for the MEIC electron cooler were for electron bunches of 420 pC at a frequency of 952.6 MHz with a magnetic field on the cathode of 2kG. This field magnetizes the beam imparting angular momentum that provides for helical motion of the electrons in the cooling solenoid. The helical motion increases the interaction time and improves the cooling efficiency. A coil positioned around the cathode providing 2kG field was developed. Beam dynamics simulations were run to develop the particle dynamics near the cathode and grid. Lloyd Young added capability to Tstep to include space charge effects between two plates and include image charge effects from the grid. He also added new pepper-pot geometry capability to account for honeycomb grids. These additions were used to develop the beam dynamics for this 2ff7e9595c