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what update i need to install for version 655 in vs studio 2010 for the sql server. Can anyone tell me what i need on my computer when creating a database using sql on vs studio 2010? I need to use version 655 cos thats the version being used on Uni Computers

download sql server database version 655

You can't attach/restore a 2008 R2 database to a 2008 instance, period. Though there are several workarounds (that also apply for attaching 2012 -> 2008, 2008 -> 2005, 2008 R2 -> 2005, etc). You can either upgrade the engine you're trying to connect to up to 2008 R2, or you can extract the schema / data from the database using generate scripts wizard, import/export data wizard, SSIS, or 3rd party tools like Red Gate SQL Compare (for a full list of alternatives see this blog post).

If you are developing .NET based apps in visual studio 2010, then they will typically support all versions of Microsoft SQL Server. That does not mean you install SQL server INSIDE of visual studio, just that you can connect to a SQL Server instance running somewhere.

Database Administrators Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for database professionals who wish to improve their database skills and learn from others in the community. It only takes a minute to sign up.

The database 'AdventureWorksLT2008R2' cannot be opened because it is version 661. This server supports version 655 and earlier. A downgrade path is not supported. Could not open new database 'AdventureWorksLT2008R2'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted. )Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 948)

There's no tool, no undocumented way, no hack, no workaround to achieve this. SQL Server database files just aren't "backwards" compatible - you can easily go from 2005 to 2008, or from 2008 to 2012 - but you cannot go backwards.

I'm trying to do some excercises from exam 70-515. Unfortunately I fail while trying to attach Northwind to a grid-control. It would result in:NORTHWND.MDF' cannot be opened because it is version 655. This server supports version 612 and earlier. A downgrade path is not supported.

I use Windows 7 Home and MS Visual Web Developer 2010 Express. As fas as I understand this error, SQL Express must be an old version on my system. I downloaded and installed SQL Express 2008r2 from here. No effect. From other sources I figured out that I might need to change the instance name: Tools -> Options -> Database Tools -> Data Connections -> SQL Server Instance Name. There it is written SQLEXPRESS. I don't know what else I should insert there?

Additional step: Ensure you look at the accessibility of the DB is not reset, do this by right clicking on properties of the folder and the database. (make sure you have rights so you don't get an access denied)

Firstly export the DB content (data) - I used SQL server export data wizard. on the database you wish to export from right click then choose tasks, then export data. Follow the instructions and save in whichever format is best for you - I used excel for the data.

To import the data simply go to the second computer and right click the database you wish to import the data into. again tasks > import data. Follow the instructions to import all of the data from the database.

Finally to import the stored procedures, I opened up a new stored procedures command and dragged and dropped the script file that I had previously saved them in and dropped it into this window. The new stored procedure window filled with the entire list of my stored procedures. Finally change the name of the database name that will be used by the SP ( if this is different from the original DB name). (This is the first line USE [DBName]. then simply execute and the SP's will be fully restored.

A database created by a more recent version of Microsoft SQL Server cannot be attached or restored to an earlier version. This restriction is there because an older version cannot know about file format changes that were introduced in the newer release.

Hello all. im trying to attach one database to another but its giving me the 661 and 665 error, the problem is....both databases are SQL 2008 r2. Is there a reason as to why im getting that. Or is one of my databases not truely 665?

For help, click: =Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=10.50.1750.9+((dac_inplace_upgrade).101209-1051+)&EvtSrc=Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ExceptionTemplates.FailedOperationExceptionText&EvtID=Attach+database+Server&LinkId=20476

The database 'Drio' cannot be opened because it is version 661. This server supports version 655 and earlier. A downgrade path is not supported.Could not open new database 'Drio' CREATE DATABASE is aborted. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 948)

I created a DB in SQL Server 2008 R2 (version 661) and then when I tried to attach that database to a server running SQL Server 2008 (version 655) I get an error essentially saying they are incompatible.

So what I ended up doing was selecting my database (example.mdf) in Sql Server Management Server 2008 (R2). I right-click and select tasks -> generate scripts ->script entire database and all database objects. Then in SQL Scripting Options I select "advanced", scroll down to "script for server version" and select "Sql Server 2008". Then I click through until the script.sql file is created.

Then I ran a find and replace command on the now shortened script.sql - find "example" replace with "example_2008" (must match name of blank database created in SQL Server 2008). This makes sure that the tables are created in the correct database.

You can search Microsoft download site to find the version you need. Or you can get a copy of SQL Server 2012 Devloper version ($50) to have everything you need. You can use higher version of SSMS to connect to lower version instance.

I went to generate scripts and go into Advanced Scripting Options and select "Script For SQL Version -> SQL Server 2008". I then created the database (on the 2008 R2 Server) and then copied the .mdf to the 2008 Server but it still gives the same error about 661 and 655.

After you script your database, you will have all your database objects and data in a text file. You need to execute this file in your targeted instance and rebuild the database in the lower version. The .mdf file is the same .mdf file whether you are doing scripting on it or not. It is still the r2 version of the same databse you are working on.

Thiserror message is generated because SQL Server checks the version of thedatabase when restoring and does not allow you to restore a database from anewer version of SQL Server to an older version of SQL Server. This is thesame issue you have if your try to attach a database from a higher versionof SQL Server to a lower version of SQL Server.

The error message in the problem statement occurs because the SQL Server databasefiles (*.mdf, *.ndf and *.ldf) and backups are not backward compatible. Backwardcompatibility is why we cannot restore or attach a database created from a higherversion of SQL Server to a lower version of SQL Server. However, there are a fewoptions that can help us to downgrade the database from a higher version of SQLServer to a lower version SQL Server.

Modify the script, to specify the correct location for the OUTLANDER databasedata and log files. Once done, run the script to create the OUTLANDER databaseon IITCUK\SQLServer2008 instance.

We are currently using the SQL server 2014 Express and we go for the SQL server2017 full std version because of our regulars usage are going very high so,please can you advise us before the upgrade what are the things we need toverify?

However, I am facing a little challenge here. My restore creates the database and migrates the table names and schema of the old database, but the new database doesn't have all the old data in those tables imported.

when detaching a mdf file and attaching it to a newer server version it gets an internal version update without even telling the user that this happened. Right now I had the situation that I needed to test a software if a certain bug appears in SQL 2012 and not appears in SQL2014. But the R&D server was upgraded to 2014 and my SQL2012 has no network connectivity.

Although the MDF file has the SQL version stamping for version 110 (that of 2012) it has a second, invisible mark that tells the older SQL server that a certain version requirement is not met. To confuse users even more the it says something like "the database filoe has the version 792 and the current server version is 702". So after MS has the product name "SQL server 2012" and an internal version number 11.0.2100 (for RTM) there is a third mark "702" to obfucscate the version totally.

If the database size is small you can generate the script that contains the schema definition and the data. Once you generate the script you can do some editing specially the location of the data files (.mdf and .ldf) you can run the script from SSMS or SQL cmd preferably the later one as SSMS is limited to 2 GB.

For large databases first generate the database and DB object scripts only (no data), edit the script specially the location of the data files (.mdf and .ldf) then run the script it will create the database and schemas. Once this is done, you can then start to export the data from the source tables to the new tables in the new database. Make sure to populate the primary tables first then the secondary ones as the foreign key constraints enforce that. Or you may drop and then create the foreign keys after migrating the data. 2ff7e9595c

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